Academic worth of a research conference lies in the academic strength and international diversity of its scientific team i.e. conference chair, co-chair, keynote speakers, track chairs, reviewers and session chairs. CSRC is pleased to announce international team of renowned faculty and research scholars with track of excellence to take charge of academic part of International Research Conference on Economics Business and Social Sciences 2018 (3rd IRC 2018). Capable yet anonymous reviewers in the scientific team of IRC 2018 have worked diligently to ensure academic quality of submissions through blind review process and provide feedback/review report to the research scholars.
Heart of  IRC 2018 is its mind boggling research and policy discourse, IDEAS 2018, during which keynote speakers would reflect on rising issues and challenges that need to be focus of policy and research in emerging and developing economies. In addition to its policy focus, the event is expected to give meaningful direction to the work of junior faculty and early career research scholars for relating their efforts with real life important issues in business and society.
Yet another shining part of IRC 2018 is its flagship panel discussion namely, Great Debate 2018, whereby the panelists from industry and academia share their scholarship and experience to reconcile over sustainability issues in emerging and developing economies. This year the Great Debate 2018 is titled Academia-Industry Dialogue on Responsible Leadership for Sustainable Economy, Business and Society. The panel discussion is in collaboration with UN Principles of Responsible Management Education (UN PRME-ASEAN chapter).
IRC 2018 is planned and executed by two major teams of experts namely organizing team and scientific team. In order to realize the mission of capacity building and academic leadership, organizing team is comprised of young early career academics in higher education institutions who seek to plan and execute administrative and logistics tasks under the experienced guidance of Conference Chair, Co-chair, Coordinator and Secretary.  The members of scientific committee are distinguished faculty members and young research scholars with PhD degree who supervise and undertake the academic part of the conference, the core part indeed, such as keynote address, panel discussions, review and publication under leadership of the Conference Chair, Co-chair, Secretary and advisory board of CSRC in collaboration with Faculty of Business and Accountancy, UM.