Women in Business and Society
Jan 19, 2022 2022-11-23 20:21Women in Business and Society

Helping Women discover their wings
Women in Business and Society

The Women in Business and Society division (WiBS) established under CSRC to cater to the United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs) to empower women’s and girls’ particularly in emerging economies.
For economic development of any country women contribution is crucial. By empowering women and girls through social participation and business opportunities eventually enable them to grow as educated and confident leaders to rebuild communities. Transition of talented women into leaders who can develop policies and work for inclusive productivity ultimately reduce the gender inequality in emerging economies. Women participation in business arena and society is vital to support women’s sustainable social and economic empowerment.
Improvement in women’s life through sustainable development projects to make them self-reliant and productive is our main focus. WiBS is a platform where advisory board, associate fellows and research associates will work actively to highlight the challenges and potentials to develop strategies for the women. WiBS plans to collaborate with national and international institutions where through research, education, trainings and conferences to make collective efforts to convert women of emerging economies into wonder women.
Our Publications
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Responsible Education, Learning and Teaching in Emerging Economies (RELATE)
Responsible Education, Learning and Teaching in Emerging Economies (RELATE) is a peer-reviewed research journal published bi-annually by CSRC Publishing, Center for Sustainability Research and Consultancy Pakistan. The journal is independently managed by the advisory board and associate fellows of CSRC comprising of distinguished faculty at higher education institutions. The journal aims to cover topics and issues in various sub-areas of business, social and behavioral sciences in context of emerging and developing economies. Purpose is to highlight the theoretical and practical issues faced by businesses and society in these economies. The journal specially welcomes submissions which cover the topical areas related to sustainable business and society.



Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rozina Shaheen

Dr. Catheryn Khoo


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